Today, I will show you how to grow your small business using these great business apps. These apps have been tested and trusted.

The dream of every business person is to take his or her business to greater heights. Using these business apps can accelerate the process.

Remember achievers don't depend on inboxes. They depend on Figures.

8 great business apps to grow your small business

Learn about the  busines apps you can use to grow your small business.

1. Mailchimp
This app makes email marketting very easy. It takes email marketting to the next level.

MailChimp was designed in such a way that a Chimpanzee will help you organize all your mails.

If used properly, it can help you generate millions in sales.

You can use this app to remind customers about buying your products. Let's say a customer buys a particular product every ten days, the app can help you remind the customer on day 8. Cool right?

It can also create emails for consumer segements and those that have subscribed.

It manages and sends newsletters, automate email campaigns and boosts subscribers list.
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2. Wunderlist
Gone are the days of using to do lists. Almost everyone is digital.

This app keeps track of your lists very easily and it can create reminders if you want.

With this app, you can rearrange your list items according to your priority.

It exists as both a free and a premium app. 

3. Hootsuite
Social media is a great place to get visibility in your area of primary concern. Hootsuite helps in this aspect. 

It grows your social media presence.

With hootsuite, you can create one post for multiple social media platforms. It is pretty limited. You can pay to enjoy some of it's features.

You can also use hootsuite to schedule your posts so even when you are not online, your work will be posted.

When looking for keywords, competitors and phrases for your business, hootsuite is the best place to visit.

4. Hangouts.
If you want to connect with 25 persons in a video call, hangout is best for you. It was designed in such a way that the attendees focuses on who is speaking.

It is good for presentations and demos.

You can send your public hangout session to your youtube channel and this is to your advantage and that of your business.

5. Slack
This is an instant messaging platform designed specifically for businesses and it uses inter office communication. 

It is a very effective B2B communication tool.

In using this app, you have to take time to learn it. It may take you and your team up to a week or two. This shouldn't stop you from using it anyways.

Instead of taking the stress to dog through your emails, slack can easily do that for you. 

One great advantage of slack is that it stops confusion among team members and there is no limit to how many users your business can add.

Slack is good for both private and public platforms. You can either create your own community on slack, or join an existing one depending on your business niche.

6. Rescutime.
There is a saying that it is hard working without a boss. 

Rescuetime plays the role of a boss in your personal business. It tracks the time you spend on websites and applications.

It can also help you set goals and make you accountable for them. It can signal you when you have been spending time doing the wrong thing.

It can work both on both Android and PC.

This app got an outstanding five star rating from PC Mag. 

You can use the premium one if you wish. It's just $9 monthly.

7. Evernote
If you want an app to keep important notes and documents for you, then evernotes is good for you.

This is a digital notebook that keeps track of your ideas.

You can use it for different purposes such as outlining a blog post, writing and organizing your business info and taking notes during a client's call.

The premium app is Evernote business. It allows you to access notes anytime even if there is no network connection. Here, you can also invite coworkers to join specific notebooks.

8. Deputy.
This is another great time management app that puts goal settings and scheduling data in the clouds for both employers and employees.

With deputy, you can block out when you are not available and shift requests when you can't complete a task. 

It makes sure everything is monitored.

Deputy can integrate with other business apps such as payroll and POS.

9. Freshbooks.
You should be able to bill clients accurately. Freshbooks can help you with that. 

The smaller the business, the more valuable flashbooks is and is very effective for receiving payments.

This app is very easy to use as it has a user friendly interface. It is used for managing and tracking invoices.

10. iTranslate
It is very tasking going to another country for business whose language you don't understand.

Worry less. 

iTranslate can help you. All you need to do is to speak your language into the app and the app will translate it.

There is really no need to use the text option unless you really want that.

You can use the free option or try the premium which is $2.99 dollars.

11. Quickbooks.
This app has been alive for over 30 years. Its value cannot be underestimated. One of my favourite business apps.

This is a very powerful engine for report analysis and payments.

It has a high degree of visibility from a single dashboard. It can be used to track business expenses and sales.

So, these are the eight business apps to grow your small business with. Use them for the purpose of growth.

One business app can change your business life.

Make good use of them.

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